My Portfolio

Haptic Teleoperation for Remote Ultrasounds

I created a bridge between a commercial robot and a haptic feedback device to real-time teleoperate the robot with haptic feedback.

Teleoperation Video

Experiences Gained: ROS (Robot Operating System) proficiency, MoveIt for ROS, Literature Reviews and Research

Cell Tracking Computer Vision Challenge

Tested and compared novel algorithms to detect the same cells in different frames of a video.

Experiences Gained: Motion Tracking, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Image Segmentation

ResNet-34 Implementation

I Implemented a ResNet neural network to classify cat images.

Experiences Gained: Data Augmentation, Knowledge of Optimisers, Setting up a Pytorch Project

Taste of Research Program

I Collected data of human interaction to further the field of social robotics.

Experiences Gained: Robot Operating System (ROS) Usage, Academic Research, Academic Processes, The Ethics and Consent Process for Experiments and Data Collection

Recipe Website

I worked on the backend of a project to create a website for sharing recipes.

Experiences Gained: Writing REST API’s, Basic SQL Usage, FLASK, Input Verification, Postman, AGILE Development, Writing User Stories, Sprint Planning

QR Code Check-ins, Before COVID

I Worked as a part of a team, creating a website to enable QR Code check-ins when it was a novel idea.

Experiences Gained: AGILE development, Creating a Business Plan, Marketing A Product